Thursday, August 11, 2011

"Supposed To Be"

So, it's been a while since I've posted. I miss blogging, but I'm not sure that anyone wants to hear anything that I have to say since TS is home now, and has been for, hold your breath, almost 1 entire year. Now that doesn't count trainings, drills, AT or other various things that they hold your spouse hostage for, but unless he's gone over 90 days.... it doesn't really count to me. I digress. So I went back and re-read some of my past posts. WOW, what a whiney baby I have been at times. Justified, but whiney. I re-read the one about him being tired where I ranted about how much I do and how little he was doing, and although it was all true, I couldn't help but be angry with myself that I failed to recognize at the moment that I have my husband home to make those messes. One of my Best Friends, "B", her hubs is getting ready to deploy here in a little bit, and he's in the "gone all the time but still sleeping in your bed"- accept the suck- phase of the pre-deployment... right before they go, but not quite at the MOB Platform. She wants so badly for her hubby to have some time to spend with her, and I'm bitching about mine. Not too fair... and I should shut it.

That being said, I have noticed that TS and I are probably in the greatest place we've ever been in our marriage, and I really mean that. I have had to take a hard look at myself during this process of reintegration, and see my faults for what they are. I did, and don't tell him, figure out that I am not always right. I know, I know, hard to believe, but it's true. I've also discovered that if I just allow him to do things his way (GASP), they'll still get done... hard feat, but I've gotten through it. And SHOCKING, nothing has caught on fire, flooded, broken, or anything of that nature. Well, maybe my spirit for a moment by letting go of control... but that was a necessity. I have to say that I think we are in the place where we are "supposed to be"... but I don't know, cause we've never been here before. I just know that I am happier than ever, my hubby says things that make my heart happy on pretty much a regular basis these days, and he's home (for now).... which in this crazy life that I love, is a lot to ask for.

Have a fabulous day all, I hope to be back soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SO AWESOME! I feel the same way these days!

- "J"