Friday, December 16, 2011

Nikon D90 Giveaway- I SO want to win this camera!

I would so LOVE to win this camera from a great photographer that I follow on FB. It would be an amazing early Christmas present.

Check out her site!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

"Supposed To Be"

So, it's been a while since I've posted. I miss blogging, but I'm not sure that anyone wants to hear anything that I have to say since TS is home now, and has been for, hold your breath, almost 1 entire year. Now that doesn't count trainings, drills, AT or other various things that they hold your spouse hostage for, but unless he's gone over 90 days.... it doesn't really count to me. I digress. So I went back and re-read some of my past posts. WOW, what a whiney baby I have been at times. Justified, but whiney. I re-read the one about him being tired where I ranted about how much I do and how little he was doing, and although it was all true, I couldn't help but be angry with myself that I failed to recognize at the moment that I have my husband home to make those messes. One of my Best Friends, "B", her hubs is getting ready to deploy here in a little bit, and he's in the "gone all the time but still sleeping in your bed"- accept the suck- phase of the pre-deployment... right before they go, but not quite at the MOB Platform. She wants so badly for her hubby to have some time to spend with her, and I'm bitching about mine. Not too fair... and I should shut it.

That being said, I have noticed that TS and I are probably in the greatest place we've ever been in our marriage, and I really mean that. I have had to take a hard look at myself during this process of reintegration, and see my faults for what they are. I did, and don't tell him, figure out that I am not always right. I know, I know, hard to believe, but it's true. I've also discovered that if I just allow him to do things his way (GASP), they'll still get done... hard feat, but I've gotten through it. And SHOCKING, nothing has caught on fire, flooded, broken, or anything of that nature. Well, maybe my spirit for a moment by letting go of control... but that was a necessity. I have to say that I think we are in the place where we are "supposed to be"... but I don't know, cause we've never been here before. I just know that I am happier than ever, my hubby says things that make my heart happy on pretty much a regular basis these days, and he's home (for now).... which in this crazy life that I love, is a lot to ask for.

Have a fabulous day all, I hope to be back soon!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth!!

As I'm sitting here, at a friends house, post brunch, watching Yogi Bear, I realize that today, I have even taken my freedom for granted a time or two. I made sure to thank my husband, for he has been proudly serving his country for over 7 years now, and will continue to do so for quite a while.
I just want to thank all those out there for proudly serving their country, whether it's from a foreign land, or from the homefront, waiting for their hero. Without these wonderfully patriotic people, we would not live free under the red white and blue.

Thank you to the heroes!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

More New Technology

So I just got the new app for my droid.... hopefully this will make it easier for me to be able to get my thoughts and rants out there. Lol

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ever Wonder How

Ever wonder how exhausting it must be to be a man? I just wonder this because as I sit here to vent, he snores. I came home from work, cleaned the kitchen, determined and made dinner, sorted all the laundry,  started to wash laundry, picked up house, opened, sorted, read, and put away mail, loaded and ran dishwasher, folded load of laundry & started new load, hand washed left over dishes, emptied clean dishwasher, folded another load of laundry & started a new one, served him dinner, ate said dinner, cleaned plates from dinner and washed all dishes associated with said dinner, folded yet another load of laundry & started yet another. I hang up his last uniform shirt and what do I find, two d@%Π pens that he left in the arm of his uniform shirt. Now it's (hopefully not, but more than likely) ruined yet another uniform, stained the inside of my, did I mention, brand new dryer, and caused me more undue stress. All during this time he sat on the couch and watched tv. I want to be able to able to sit on the couch and watch tv, yes he worked today, so did I. I'll give him credit, he did mow the front of the lawn, it needed it and certainly had to be done before we got a freaking letter from the flipping HOA, but I'd still like to sit on the couch for more than 10 min. To add insult, as I'm sitting on the floor of my laundry room, scrubbing until my arms hurt the stains in the dryer (cause by aforementioned pens left in uniform) he comes in and says "Your not coming to bed tonight." And then huffs off into the bedroom...... oh...... my....... just ....... breathe....... needless to say, I could not get the ink off the inside of my dryer, and I sit here, listening to him snore, wondering if we'll ever be on the same page when it comes to what we each consider pulling our own weight. It frustrates me becauae I swear, he must think it happens on his own. He says to me that I never had to clean this much while he was deployed, well, ya, I didn't have another grown adult leaving his shoes all over the place, leaving cereal bowls in the sink with cereal hardened to a crust on the bowl, or taking something, anything out of it's place, and then leaving it where evere he used it last. The only mess I had to clean up after was my own, and I pick up after myself. Sure I devised a new, way less efficient method of reading the mail and making stacks out of bills, keep & file, shred, and trash,  but it was mine. I don't know, we are 8-9 months into the reintegration thing, and I'm pretty sure I/we suck at it. I just want my husband that picked up after himself and helps out back. I am tired of asking, begging, yelling, lecturing, nagging, and pulling teeth to just get him to do what is needed of him around here. Just because I was able to do it all by myself while he was in Iraq, doesn't mean I want to. If I wanted that I'd still be single. And who wants to go back, I wouldn't even want to wonder whatvit would be like,  but I still wonder how he can be so tired, from relaxing tonight.

Have a great night ya'll

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