Friday, December 16, 2011
Nikon D90 Giveaway- I SO want to win this camera!
Check out her site!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
"Supposed To Be"
That being said, I have noticed that TS and I are probably in the greatest place we've ever been in our marriage, and I really mean that. I have had to take a hard look at myself during this process of reintegration, and see my faults for what they are. I did, and don't tell him, figure out that I am not always right. I know, I know, hard to believe, but it's true. I've also discovered that if I just allow him to do things his way (GASP), they'll still get done... hard feat, but I've gotten through it. And SHOCKING, nothing has caught on fire, flooded, broken, or anything of that nature. Well, maybe my spirit for a moment by letting go of control... but that was a necessity. I have to say that I think we are in the place where we are "supposed to be"... but I don't know, cause we've never been here before. I just know that I am happier than ever, my hubby says things that make my heart happy on pretty much a regular basis these days, and he's home (for now).... which in this crazy life that I love, is a lot to ask for.
Have a fabulous day all, I hope to be back soon!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy Fourth!!
As I'm sitting here, at a friends house, post brunch, watching Yogi Bear, I realize that today, I have even taken my freedom for granted a time or two. I made sure to thank my husband, for he has been proudly serving his country for over 7 years now, and will continue to do so for quite a while.
I just want to thank all those out there for proudly serving their country, whether it's from a foreign land, or from the homefront, waiting for their hero. Without these wonderfully patriotic people, we would not live free under the red white and blue.
Thank you to the heroes!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
More New Technology
So I just got the new app for my droid.... hopefully this will make it easier for me to be able to get my thoughts and rants out there. Lol
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Ever Wonder How
Have a great night ya'll
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
My Own Fairytail
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
Testing Some New Tech
New Name
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Come On, let's share something fun
- What color are your socks right? none, bare feet
- What are you listening to right now? my own breathing and hubby playing GD video games while I try to do homework, hence the survey.
- What was the last thing you ate? Turkey, black bean, & corn Chili - I AM going to be skinny
- Can you drive a stick shift? Before I could drive an automatic.
- Last person you spoke to on the phone? BB
- Do you like the person who sent this to you? She is one of my BFFs
- How old are you today? 34
- What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? None, but if I HAVE to pick, football, doesn't matter what or who, I'm probably not paying attention.
- What is your favorite drink? SWEET TEA!!
- Have you ever dyed your hair? UM, have you met me? My hair is just now, for the first time in YEARS my natural color, ( I think) and I had to dye it to get it there recently.
- Favorite food? Medium Rare filet, with bernaise sauce, asparagus, and some type of garlicy-buttery potatoes.
- What is the last movie you watched? Halo, cause my husband is a nerd, and it was TERRIBLE!!
- Favorite day of the year? Day after Christmas, It's my wedding anniversary and I usually go shopping and spend the day with my momma, but I missed that this year and it made me very sad.
- How do you vent? Talk to my self in the car, or call BB or J if I'm REALLY mad!
- What was your favorite toy as a child? My Gerber Baby doll, I still have it to this day.
- What is your favorite season? Fall
- Cherries or blueberries? Both, blueberries dipped in white chocolate is delish though! Can you tell I'm on a diet.
- Do you want your friends to e-mail you back? sure, why not
- Who is the most likely to respond? not sure
- Who is least likely to respond? J, cause she already did it. lol
- Living situation: In my beautiful new house, with my hubby and our princess cat Isabel and my other fat bastard cat who is half goat, Maxwell, aka bubba
- When was the last time you cried? Um, who knows, the other day about something stupid I'm sure.
- What is on the floor of your closet right now? Oh god I need more hangers and refuse to buy the crappy plastic cheap ones, so clothes
- Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending to? I haven't decided to send it to people yet
- What did you do last night? Went grocery shopping, cooked dinner, ate dinner, went on walk with hubby, took bath, went to bed.
- What are you most afraid of? Hubby not getting a job soon, cause I may kill him, I mean he may die from boredom.
- Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers? Really, Spicy hamburgers? Who eats those? It depends on my mood, but never ever spicy anything
- Favorite dog breed? Usually anything small and annoying.
- Favorite day of the week? Thursday, it's usually happy hour with my girls and the last day of work before the weekend.
- How many states have you lived in? 3, not too many for a military wife.
- Diamonds or pearls? Is this really a question too? Diamonds of course, as I am part goldfish.
- What is your favorite flower? OHH, African orchids, or tulips. They are both so unique and pretty.