Friday, March 26, 2010

SOOOO Proud of the Guard

Sitting in a training conference yesterday I was listening to a BRILLIANT COL speak. He was talking of course about family readiness, which is one of my passions. He touched on multiple subjects, many that indirectly affect the families. But he kept going over one that touched my heart, things that cause marriages to fail and suicides to happen. Now we all know about all the free counseling out there for military and their spouses, but he's got something in the works about employment, or the lack of it when a Guardsmen/ Reservist comes home to unemployment. He is putting together a program, where at the Yellow Ribbon #5 events, they will have regional employers, who are military friendly, at these events. Ready to hire, people ready to do resume work with the soldiers, PUTTING PEOPLE TO WORK!!!!! I can not tell you how much of a relief this is to my weary heart right about now. Not just for the families I serve with my job, but for my family as well. See when "tech support" comes home, as of right now, he doesn't have a job, and that warrants concern on my part. Not for a lack of trying, this man will do whatever he needs to do to get a job and support his family, I know this and have no doubt about it. But it's nice to know that the leadership is truly taking an interest in this arena. THEY WANNA HELP!! The COL that I mentioned (Have I mentioned he's brilliant?!?!?) has already been working with the forward and has a list of soldiers that are coming home to unemployment, and they are working on getting them a job. HOW FABULOUS is that?!?! I am not sure I can truly express how wonderful and amazing I think this new program is. 

1 comment:

J said...

oh that's so great! i'm excited!!!!